
How about song titles?

Would it be legal to use song titles of existing songs as a title to a blog post?

I always feel a strong connection to songs in several situations in my life... Do a lot of people get that?

So my exams have ended today... They went pretty good except for the last one, which I couldn't really concentrate on because a really dear friend of mine had decided to end her life last Friday. Needless to say studying wasn't the first thing on my mind.
I feel like I haven't told her so much I still needed to say... And I'm not quite sure about how I will now that she's not physically there anymore... I have tried writing letters to people I know that have died, but there's not way to be sure they really can get to hear any of the things you'd like them to...
Is there any way there is anyone here who has find a way that made them believe it worked? 'Cause I'd really like to know...

It's always so strange to grasp the fact that a person you love won't be there anymore...
She won't be able to celebrate Christmas with us like she used to, or birthdays, random parties, festivals... And at this moment there's no way to know how anyone in our group of friends will react on any of those occasions... but it will be hard for sure...
Then again, in a way I am happy that she has found peace and won't feel any pain anymore... I hope she can really rest in peace now and that, someday, we will be together again...

After my exam today I had quite a hard time, so some other friends tried to cheer me up, and even though in the beginning it didn't really work all that well, but after a while I could smile again and remembered that I have so many other friends to cherish - because at times like these you realise that even though you love people, you never let them know you do frequently enough.

So spread the love, hang out with your friends and enjoy every moment - you never know that it might be the last one...

I know this wasn't a really good post, but it said what was on my mind...

xoxo C'row <3

PS. One of the things we did today to get my mind off of things, was going to see 'The Social Network'. It was a really nice distraction, and I liked the way the story was told. It does bother me a little bit that I don't know what was real and what wasn't... Plus, I would've liked to know what happened after the last 'flashback' bit...
Anyway, good film to see when you have nothing else to do, or to get your mind off of things.
AND, it has Jesse Eisenberg, which is a BIG plus. I love seeing him act.